St. Arnold Nivas, Kirem
“A ray of hope towards a grace filled life” is more than just a phrase at Arnold Nivas, it is a promise that we consider to be our highest priority. Our mission is to provide quality long term care that encompasses the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of every resident of the home which encourages and supports the resident’s right to freedom of choice.
There are many families who love their old parents and wish to give them comfortable life. They like to see their old parents happy, healthy, and peaceful. The work pressure, assignments abroad, disturbed family life, small children to take care and lack of adequate space make them difficult to accommodate and attend to their old parents’ needs/priorities.
This clearly reveals that ageing has become a major social challenge and there is a need to provide for the economic and health needs of the elderly and to create a social environment which is conducive and sensitive to emotional needs of the elderly. The “Divine Word Missionaries – ( S V D )” feel the need to play their role in extending their services to these senior citizens through the “ST. ARNOLD NIVAS (HOME FOR THE AGED)” at St. Peter’s Apostolic School, SVD House, Mangalore.
Through a careful study with experienced professionals looking into all aspects of the lives of young and old, stress and work related issues, our congregation has outlined a sound program to set up this home at “St. Arnold Nivas” and seek your co-operation and assistance in making this possible and a success. The congregation has assessed the entire exercise with all its pros and cons and has decided to implement the same so as to extend our love, care and support to the senior citizens and show them we care. You little contributions will make our dream fulfilled.
Staff at St. Arnold Nivas, Damaskatte
Melvine Sequeira (Superior & Director)
Cyprian Lewis
St. Arnold Nivas,
SVD House campus, Damaskatte,
P.O. Aikala, Mangalore – 574 141
Tel: (0824) 2296758