As it is rightly said, ‘Un-reflected life is not worth-living.’ It is truly manifested through our annual retreat. INM Province Annual Retreat was held at Atma Darshan, Andheri East. It began on 18th Nov and concluded on 23rd Nov with a Mega Jubilee Eucharistic Celebration. This retreat was preached by Fr. Bineesh Thomas, Dominican Priest, and Director of Igadpuri Retreat Centre. He was introduced to us by Fr. Richard Mathias, Provincial Superior (INM). 51 Confreres participated in this retreat. Indeed it was a graceful and a fruitful retreat. All the talks, reflection and personal sharing were based on the Holy Bible. The reflective silence and transforming prayer, Morning Prayer and guided mediation, insightful talks, Holy Mass, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration made our retreat more personal and meaningful. The preacher shared his personal experiences and focused on basics of Religious Vocation, Religious Vows, Holy Eucharist, Self-Identity and Sacrament of Reconciliation. The timetable and all accommodation were good.
We had a very significant and meaningful INM 10 Sacerdotal Jubilee and 9 Vows Jubilee Eucharist celebration at 6 p.m. at Atma Darshan Chapel. The Main celebrant was Fr. Richard Mathias Provincial Superior and homily was preached by Fr. Abraham Olickal. All Jubilarians present for the day were felicitated soon after the mass which was followed by Agape meal. INM Confreres, SSpS sisters and DDW members were present for the celebration. It was well organized by INM Province.