13 Confreres serving in SVD INM Schools met for their Annual Meeting on 25th November 2023 at Atma Darshan, Andheri. Fr. Tomy Thomas, the SVD INM Provincial in his keynote address appreciated the contribution of schools to the Province and society at large. He also appreciated the dedication and hard work of the confreres working in schools in the province. As the years go by there are many challenges that the schools face from different corners. Common meetings such as these help in awareness, solidarity and common action plans. Fr. Richard Quadros, the education in charge from the side of the Provincial Council chaired the meeting. All the schools were invited to share their activities, success stories and challenges. Some common aspects like NEP and its implementations, new challenges faced in schools and the ways to handle them were discussed as and when they came up. Though our schools are doing very well, brainstorming as to how we can still improve the quality of education, coordination and imparting moral values was done. The meeting was a success with valuable contributions to the education ministry and fruitful discussions by all those who were present