As the echoes of our Province retreat experience linger in our hearts, we find ourselves compelled to express our deepest gratitude to our guide and retreat preacher, Fr. Cyril Doss SVD. The first INM Province retreat was held from November 19-24, 2023. The retreat, based on the Word of God served as a beacon of light, illuminating the path of self-discovery, reflection, and spiritual growth. The talks and insights were not just words; they were transformative messages that resonated with the depths of our souls. His ability to connect the sacred teachings with the intricacies of our lives made the retreat a profound and enriching experience. Moreover, his humility and approachability made us feel not only like listeners but participants in a collective journey. Personal sharing and openness to religious concerns, willingness to share your spiritual journey, and genuine care for each person in the retreat were truly inspirational. As we return to our daily lives, we carry with us the gifts of this retreat—gifts of self-awareness, spiritual insight, and a renewed sense of purpose. We are grateful for the time and energy Fr. Cyril invested in guiding us. May the seeds you planted during this retreat continue to bear fruit in our lives, inspiring us to live with greater mindfulness, compassion, and faith. We wish Fr. Cyril the best wishes and God’s blessings in his ministry