St. Arnold’s Central School, Pune
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Our school motto is “Moulding the Future”, which we have expressed in the original Sanskrit form “Bhavishyasya Sanskarah”.
Children / students are our future. They do not come as a ‘clean slate’ or ‘tabula rasa’ to be filled with information. Rather, they come with a lot of potentialities which like clay, need to be moulded, transformed and perfected. This notion is aptly expressed by the very rich word ‘sanskarah’.
In our context, the prefix ‘san’ conveys the idea of refinement, polishing, completeness, perfection and so the word ‘sanskarah’ corresponding to the word ‘perfection’, encapsulates the meaning of moulding, transforming, refining, cultivating, purifying, sanctifying and the like. ‘Sanskarah’, thus takes a holistic and integral approach: developing the physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual aspects of one’s personality.
Through imparting knowledge, excellence, values, empowerment towards liberation and national integration, teachers exercise their ‘midwifery’ function of ‘e-ducating’ (derived from the Latin ‘to lead out’), bringing about a new birth by transforming the raw, natural, ordinary material (prakrta) into something polished, beautiful, cultured and perfect (sanskrta).
Staff at St. Arnold’s Central School, Pune
Jesuraj Rayappanu (Manager)
Joyson Kurian (Principal)
Francline Machado (Treasurer)
St. Arnold’s Central School
Near Sun City, Sainikwadi-Kalyaninagar Road
Vadgaonsheri, Pune- 411 014
Phone: (020) 2703 7081 / 8805410295
Email: [email protected]
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