Maitrisangatan/UCDC organized Human Rights Day on the 9th of December, 2023 for the Focus Group of 150 migrants. The Group consisted of leaders of women’s help groups, youth groups, students’ groups and area leaders. The event began with a prayer followed by carol singing. Ms. Preeti Lakra welcomed all the participants and introduced the theme: “Freedom, Equality and Justice for All”. This year being the 75th year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we kept the same theme of the United Nations for our event. Fr. Cosmos introduced the resource person, Dr. Sameer Mohite. He is the assistant professor of the College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan. He is also the president of Upjeevika Foundation, Mumbai. During his session, Dr Mohite stressed the rights of the workers such as the rights to start a family life, to own property, and to have healthcare and education. He highlighted the issues affecting the domestic workers. They are informal in nature, unpaid and underpaid. They have no legal contract and have to face discrimination, violence, sexual harassment and exploitation. Dr Mohite explained ‘The Domestic Workers (Regulation of Work and Social Security) Bill, 2017’ and also presented in detail ‘The Maharashtra Welfare Board Act, 2008’. It speaks about the registration of domestic workers, financial assistance for the education of children, and immediate assistance in case of an accident.