Gyan Ashram, Andheri
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Gyan Ashram
Gyan Ashram is committed to promote dialogue, peace and harmony among different religious communities and cultural groups through the channels of Music.Dance,Communication,Yoga and Meditations. It aims at presenting the cultural treasures of our land, training the younger generation in the divine arts of music and dance and promoting dialogue, peace and harmony among all people through music, dance, dramas, folk songs, and other fine arts.Our Vision
Inspired by the Word of God to build a community of cultural harmony and spiritualoneness.
Our Founder Late Fr.George Proksch,SVD(1904-1986)
Fr.George Proksch,the Founder Director of Gyan Ashram,arrived India in 1933 from Germany. He studied Urdu and Sanskrit in the Oriental InstituteofLanguageinLondonandlearnedclassicalmusicinLucknow professionally. In 1955, he founded Gyan Ashram, on a hillock in Andheri (E), Mumbai and took an Indian name for himself—Guru Gyan Prakash.He gathered a troupe of singers and dancers to present God’s message of love and service to all,particularly to the poor and the marginalized as the unique’ sadhana’ to attain ‘moksha’. The finest moment of his dream of presenting the noble message of Jesus in the Indian style arrived when he staged ‘Anuttam Prem’ (No Greater Love), a ballet at the International Eucharistic Congress in Mumbai 1964, in the presence of His Holiness Pope Paul VI and 50,000 spectators, Christians and non- Christians with an impressive cast of 300 dancers, a choir of 1000 singers and an orchestra of 100 musicians. If today the idea of inculturation is accepted without much resistance,it is the fruit of the vision of a pioneer like Guru Gyan Prakash who was born in Germany a century ago but made India his home.Ever since, this Centre tries its best to keep alive the original ideology and spirit of late Fr.George Proksch through dialogue, music and dance. Gyan Ashram was founded in 1955 by Fr George Proksch as a centre for music and dance. He gathered troupe of singers and dancers to present Jesus’s message of love and service through Indian Dance forms. The finest moment of his dreams of presenting the message of Jesus in the Indian style arrived when he staged “Anuttam Prem”, a ballet at the International Eucharistic Congress in Mumbai 1964, in the presence of His Holiness Pope Paul VI and over 50,000 spectators, Christians and others, with the impressive cast of 300 dancers, a choir of 1000 singers and an orchestra of 100 musicians. Ever since, this centre tries its best to keep alive the original ideology and the spirit of the Fr. Proksch (who later took the name Guru Gyan Prakash) through dialogue, music and dance.Gyan Ashram Music and Dance Academy
A Word about Music and Dance Music and Dance when viewed in the traditional perspective is fundamentally a spiritual art,an integral yoga and a science of harmony. Pythagoras,the ancient Greek philosopher,taught that hehuman soul was basically formed of harmony,and that music could restore the pre- existing harmony to a mind tormented by contacts with the lowe rworld. Anthropology suggests that art had its origin in ritual. The study of ancient cultures and medieval history shows that the arts are closely associated with religious practice and worship ofthe gods. Chanted aloud the Puranas become a reaffirmation of life.They foster the values and nurture the bonds of the entire community.The oral epics were not read,but performed before an immediate audience.They enacted the desires, hopes, aspirations, failures, sorrows and pathos of human condition. 80 too were dance and music. There were refrains in which the listenersjoined inactive participation. Indian Music and Dance are rooted in religion and they have evolved over an extensive period oftime. Itissaid to have originated from the Vedas and music is considered as one of the best forms of worship. Many ragas are named after gods,and it is believed that each god has a favourite raga.Plan of Action
A. Conducting seminars and workshops based on Music and Dance.
B. Providing a platform for talent and giving students an opportunity for self-confidence and personality development by organizing public performances twice a year. Prizes are awarded to students.
C. Performing Musicals and Drams based on Gospel values ands ocial awareness programmes through Music and Dance at different schools and parishes.
D. Inviting eminent citizens and renowned personalities from various fields of performing arts to our programmes and felicitating them in recognition of their contribution to art and to the society.
Our Specialities
Well qualified and experienced teaching faculty
Natural surroundings
Spacious and well equipped classrooms
An exposure to renowned personalities from various fields of performing arts
Gyan Ashram Media Centre
Gyan Ashram Media Centre is one of the departments of Gyan Ashram. Fr. Ronald D’ Silva and Fr. Anil T. Paul being specialized in this field take up the production of documentaries, audio – visuals, and other productions. Gyan Ashram audio and video recording studios produce value based and inspirational productions.
Dhyan Kutir
Together towards oneness is the vision of Dhyan Kutir. We aim to nurture a garden of harmony and foster inter spiritual activities that unite people of all religions.
1. Biweekly Group Meditations: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.05 to 19.15.
These meditations are open to all. Various meditative methods like Yogic, Reiki, T.M, Chakra, Vipassana, Mudra, Mantra, Death, Pyramidal etc. are creatively adapted to the groups and the present times.
2 . Higher Consciousness Circle (HiCoC): Once a month.
A second activity is meant for seekers of true Self, God and Truth. We belong to 7 different religious beliefs with an aim to promote spiritual unity among and beyond us.
3. Retreats cum Meditation classes: As per requests and appointments
Residential need-based guided retreats are offered at DK; inclusive are those who want to learn different kinds of meditations.
4. Counselling and Therapeutic Helps: As per requests and appointments
5. Special treatment for patients of Asthma, allergy and other psychosomatic illnesses: As per requests and appointments.
Staff of Gyan Ashram, Music and Dance Ronald D’ Silva (Superior & Director) Anil Paul Ittoop Panikulam Joe Prabhu Jose Arayathel Valerian Fernandes Contact: Gyan Ashram Mahakali caves road Andheri East Mumbai – 40093 Tel : (022) 2832 5046 Email :[email protected]You may also like

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