The INM Leadership Team took charge during a simple community Eucharistic celebration on April 1, 2020 at SVD Provincial House, Bandra in the presence of 6 community members, Fr. Nicolau and a lay person, niece of Fr. Paul, Ms. Tincy. While Fr. Nicky represented the councilors – Fr. Tomy Thomas, Fr. S.M. Michael, Fr. Richard Quadros, confreres from the community represented the confreres in the province and Ms. Tincy represented our Sisters and Lay Partners especially Disciples of the Divine Word (DDW). It was a grace-filled occasion for the Leadership Team as well as for the Province to re-dedicate ourselves to God, the Society and the Mission. Because of the lock down we could not hold the installation ceremony as we had planned but through the courtesy of Fr. Nicky we were able to live stream the Mass and majority of arrangements.